Psychology - PDF

6 PDF found
Living in the Light: A Guide to Personal and Planetary Transformation

Authors: Shakti Gawain , Laurel King

In Other, Psychology

By Adobe Reader

In Living in the Light, Shakti Gawain introduced a powerful new way of life: that of listening to one's own intuition and relying on it as a guiding force. In the newly revised edition of that classic work, she elaborates on her original ideas, adding aspects of her own experiences and learning process over the past twelve years. In addition to balancing feminine and masculine energies, she now examines several other fundamental polarities we all have, such as power and vulnerability. Everyone's life journey involves developing the full range of self and acknowledging all aspects of one's personality -- including both light facets and dark.

Billionaire Brain Wave by Dr Summers and Dave Mitchess PDF eBook

Authors: Dr Summers and Dave Mitchess

In Other, Psychology, Fantasy, Spirituality, Astrology, Numerology, Paranormal

By Peggy Bills

It is a particular and intelligent sound track enduring 7 minutes that provisions a specific recurrence in your brain to change your brain from low beta or beta mode to gamma mode.